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Coin Buying Guide
We will guide you on how to purchase GEFAI_Coin.
Step 1: Create a wallet
① Create a “Trust Wallet” or “TronLink” wallet and learn how to use it.
*** Please refer to the “Create a personal Wallet” submenu in the Tool menu! ***
Step 2: Create funds to purchase coins
① Prepare funds to purchase “GEFAI_Coin”. Minimum USD 500$ or more.
② At the exchange in your country or another country, deposit "USDT (Tether Coin)", "BTC (Bit Coin)", "ETH (Ethereum"), and "TRX (Tron)" equivalent to the amount you wish to invest. I buy it.
Step 3: Sign up
① You must click “My Page” on our homepage and log in.

② Enter your User Name (ID) and click the “Check” button to check availability.
③ Enter your full name.
④ Enter your password.
⑤ Enter your email address and click the “Check” button to check availability.
⑥ Select your country.
⑦ Enter your recommender and check the recommender in the pop-up window.
⑧ Click the “CFREATE ACCOUNT” button to create an account.
Step 4: Edit your profile
① Log in again.
② Update your profile.

③ Record your “Trust Wallet” address to receive “GEFAI_Coin”.
④ Record the address of "USDT (Tether Coin)", "BTC (Bit Coin)", "ETH (Ethereum", "TRX (Tron)") to be deposited into the company.
⑤ Click “MODIFY PROFILE” to complete the modification.
Step 5: Buy Points
① To purchase points, click on one of the company's deposit accounts (USDT, BTC, ETH, TRX) and follow the procedure to purchase points equivalent to the amount of GEFAI_coin purchased.

If you want to buy GEFAI_Coin with Tron (TRX), click “TRX Deposit”!
If you want to buy GEFAI_Coin with Bitcoin (BTC), click “BTC Deposit”!
② If “your TRX Address” is not updated in your profile, you cannot purchase points. Go back to step 4 and update the address of the coin you are depositing!
③ Record the amount of points you wish to purchase.
Example) 500,000 Points = USD 500 $
④ Record the number of TRX (or BTC, USDT, ETH) you will deposit to purchase GEFAI_Coin.
Example) To purchase GEFAI_Coin worth 500,000 Points (USD 500 $), ****.*** TRX is required.
⑤ Send money from your TRX (or BTC, USDT, ETH) wallet to the company’s TRX (or BTC, USDT, ETH) Address.
⑥ Once the transfer is complete, click the “BOOKING TRANSFER TO TRX (or BTC, USDT, ETH)” button to complete the point purchase.
Step 6: Purchase GEFAI coins
① Once you have received the points, you can now purchase coins. Click the [Buy GEFAI_coin] menu.

② Enter “User Name (ID)” and click the “Search” button.
Confirm “Username (ID)” in the pop-up window.
③ Check whether the purchased points were paid properly.
④ “Cash points” refer to points received as an allowance or transferred from a friend.
⑤ Points purchased by the coin depositor.
⑥ GEFAI_Coin purchase points. It is the sum of “Cash Points” and “Registration Points”.
⑦ The number of GEFAI_Coins you wish to purchase will be displayed.
⑧ Press the “ENTER” key to complete the purchase.
You can check your coin purchase history by clicking the 'df order history' button.
Step 7: Register “GEFAI_Coin” in “Trust Wallet” or “TronLink” wallet
① When you receive “GEFAI_Coin”, register “GEFAI_Coin” in your “Trust Wallet” or “TronLink”. Please refer to the “Create a personal Wallet” submenu in the Tool menu!
② Contract: TSvJrsD3WBF3MsvRb9ykN9G586Ae97QKpo
③ Name: Golden Energy Full with AI
⑤ Network(Chain): TRC-20
Step 8: Enjoy member benefits
① Now you can sell “GEFAI_Coin”. Every time you sell on someone else, we record the referral's name in your name. That way, every time you make a sale on someone else, you get paid a referral bonus.
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